3D Aesthetic Multiplayer FPS
April 24, 2017
Love first person shooter games? Love playing with friends? Love killing zombies?
BADLANDS is the game for you. Check out the trailer for the IEEE GameSig 2017 Semifinalist below!
BADLANDS IEEE GameSig 2017 Submission Trailer
Note: BADLANDS won semifinalist at the 2017 IEEE GameSig!
Play with up to 7 other friends online
Uses room creation / joining
Has a server list to join other players' rooms
Customize each of the 7 unique loadouts to maximize their full potential
Choose from 15 different weapons and their attachments for well over 100 weapon combinations​
Customize your character's look and helmet
Play 4 different game modes​
Team Slaughter​
Area Capture
Zombie Hordes
Capture the Flag
Realistic firing mechanics​
Crouch / Prone / Sprinting affects recoil and accuracy​
Bullet physics
Grenade physics
AI Pathfinding using Navmesh​
AI becomes harder to defeat and faster the longer you survive
Rigidbody death mechanics make for hilarious kills
This project was made with Unity, and Unity's built-in multiplayer, UNET.
Below are various screenshots of the game.